Inspired by Saadi's Poem:
The morning wind and the smell of Nowruz
Good luck friends and victory
Congratulations this year and all years
"Homayoun" Happy this day and all days to you.
برآمد باد صبح و بوی نوروز" به کام دوستان و بخت پیروز مبارک بادت این سال و همه سال همایون بادت این روز و همه روز"
Inspired by Molana's Poem: Ride on love and think about it May the horse of love be enough An attack brought you home Even if the road is rough Jan Ashegh does not know how to eat grass May the lovers' lives be drunk سوار عشق شو وز ره میندیش که اسب عشق بس رهوار باشد به یک حمله تو را منزل رساند اگرچه راه نا هموار باشد علف خواری نداند جان عاشق که جان عاشقان خمار باشد (شعر از: مولانا)
Inspired by Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani's Poem: Tell it to rain, tell it tonight - Tell it to rain tonight - Wash away the dust of this garden alley - To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite In search of shores from which we do not know the way back - You and I wake up and see each other - Lighter than the moonlight and sleep - Run in light and hotness - A song on our lips
Inspired by Ali Rafiei's Poem: I became famous in every city and country in disbelief I am locked in this role and my own prisoner Yesterday I regretted and repented Today I regret my regret
در کفر شدم شهره هر شهر و دیاری محبوس در این نقشم و زندانی خویشم دیروز پشیمان شدم و توبه نمودم امروز پشیمان ز پشیمانی خویشم
Inspired by Forough Farrokhzad's Poem: from love I will drop the lines And I will also stop counting the numbers and among limited geometric shapes I will take refuge in the sensory areas of the vastness I am naked, naked, naked Like the silences between the words of my naked love And my wounds are all from love of love love love I wandered this island Ocean revolution And I have passed the explosion of the mountain
از عشق - خطوط را رها خواهم کرد - و همچنین شمارش اعداد را رها خواهمکرد - و از میان شکلهای هندسی محدود
به پهنه های حسی وسعت پناه خواهم برد - من عریانم عریانم عریانم - مثل سکوتهای میان کلام های محبت عریانم
و زخمهای من همه از عشق است - از عشق عشق عشق - من این جزیره سرگردان را - ازانقلاب اقیانوس - و انفجار کوه گذر داده ام
فروغ فرخزاد
Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation
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