Inspired by the poem:
A promising Iran
Endlessness and extinction
From among the black devils
Nature heralds spring
And the promise of the earth blossoming again
Successful and worthy, his name is Pirouz
eternal victor
Eternal Iran
Iran, victorious and eternal
Mehdi Mashayekhi
Puroz is the name of the last tiger cub among the three survivors
Since the cheetah, the Iranian leopard was becoming extinct
He barely survived
He is one of the symbols of today’s Iran.
2 in stock (can be backordered)
Inspired by Hafez's Poem: In the morning, he said, the grass chicken with the newly blooming flowers Don't be too cute in this garden because you bloomed Don't laugh at me from the right side Until the smell of love never reaches him Whoever did not leave the dirt in the pub If you are greedy for that cup, you will be satisfied Oh, maybe your eyelashes should be tightened صبحدم مرغ چمن با گل نوخاسته گفت ناز کم کن که درین باغ بسی چون تو شکفت گل بخندید که از راست نرنجیم ولی تا ابد بوی محبّت بمشامش نرسد هر که خاک در میخانه برخساره نرفت گر طمع داری از آن جام مرصّع می لعل ای بسا دُر که بنوک مژهات باید سُفت (شعر از: حافظ)
Inspired by Ali Rafiei's Poem: I became famous in every city and country in disbelief I am locked in this role and my own prisoner Yesterday I regretted and repented Today I regret my regret
در کفر شدم شهره هر شهر و دیاری محبوس در این نقشم و زندانی خویشم دیروز پشیمان شدم و توبه نمودم امروز پشیمان ز پشیمانی خویشم
Inspired by Hooshang Ebtehaj's Poem: I did not know the meaning of never Why didn't you come back? من نمیدانستم معنی هرگز را تو چرا بازنگشتی دیگر هوشنگ ابتهاج (سایه)
Inspired by Saadi's Poem:
The morning wind and the smell of Nowruz
Good luck friends and victory
Congratulations this year and all years
"Homayoun" Happy this day and all days to you.
برآمد باد صبح و بوی نوروز" به کام دوستان و بخت پیروز مبارک بادت این سال و همه سال همایون بادت این روز و همه روز"
Inspired by Molana's Poem: Stolen because you are going inside my life You are my sardine, the prosperity of my farm دزدیده چون جان می روی اندر میان جان من سرو خرامان منی ای رونق بستان من … مولانا
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