Inspired by Molana's Poem: I cried because of this complaining creature Those are my longings and drunken screams By God, my city will be imprisoned without you I wish to wander in the mountains and the desert One hand is a cup and the other is a supporter I know such a middle dance is a dream زین خلق پر شکایت گریان شدم ملول آن های و هوی و نعره ی مستانم آرزوست والله که شهر بی تو مرا حبس میشود آوارگی کوه و بیابانم آرزوست یک دست جام باده و یک دست زلف یار رقصی چنین میانه ی میدانم آرزوست مولانا
Inspired by Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani's Poem: Tell it to rain, tell it tonight - Tell it to rain tonight - Wash away the dust of this garden alley - To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite In search of shores from which we do not know the way back - You and I wake up and see each other - Lighter than the moonlight and sleep - Run in light and hotness - A song on our lips
Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation
Inspired by Hafez's Poem: In the morning, he said, the grass chicken with the newly blooming flowers Don't be too cute in this garden because you bloomed Don't laugh at me from the right side Until the smell of love never reaches him Whoever did not leave the dirt in the pub If you are greedy for that cup, you will be satisfied Oh, maybe your eyelashes should be tightened صبحدم مرغ چمن با گل نوخاسته گفت ناز کم کن که درین باغ بسی چون تو شکفت گل بخندید که از راست نرنجیم ولی تا ابد بوی محبّت بمشامش نرسد هر که خاک در میخانه برخساره نرفت گر طمع داری از آن جام مرصّع می لعل ای بسا دُر که بنوک مژهات باید سُفت (شعر از: حافظ)
Inspired by Saadi's Poem: You know that I am not calm without you - I can't bear the burden of parting all these days Since the day I opened my eyes and saw you - That's why I don't see my relatives I love you, please don't leave - To your two eyes, which are not useful to me
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