
2 Side Vest “Astonished”


Inspired by the poem: Let love surprise you No need for disbelief and faith Molana

2 Side Vest “Hich” Bold


Inspired by the poem: In the morning, he said, the lawn chicken with the new flower Don't be too cute in this garden because you bloomed Don't laugh at me from the right side "No lover said harsh words to his beloved. ".. Hafez Shirazi

2 Side Shawl Impatient Red


I want you so impatiently Oh you!; Someone whose separation is a painful test to be buried alive! How impatiently I want you Riding on a horse that seems to have just been saddled and is restless! And the world is empty of any greeting. ahmad shamlo

2 Side Shawl Impatient Gray


I want you so impatiently Oh you!; Someone whose separation is a painful test to be buried alive! How impatiently I want you Riding on a horse that seems to have just been saddled and is restless! And the world is empty of any greeting. ahmad shamlo

2 Side Shawl Nation of Love


Don’t expect guidance from drunks. Why do you want a patch from a torn dress? The nation of love is separate from all religions For lovers of nation and religion, it is God Even if the ruby does not have a seal, do not be scared. Love is not sad in the sea of sadness. Rumi

2 Side Shawl Horse of Love Orange


Inspired by Molana's Poem: Ride on love and think about it May the horse of love be enough An attack brought you home Even if the road is rough Jan Ashegh does not know how to eat grass May the lovers' lives be drunk   سوار عشق شو وز ره میندیش که اسب عشق بس رهوار باشد به یک حمله تو را منزل رساند اگرچه راه نا هموار باشد علف خواری نداند جان عاشق که جان عاشقان خمار باشد (شعر از: مولانا)  

Haft Shahre Eshgh Twoface Scarf


Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation

هفت وادی عشق است که سالک طریقت طی میکند: طلب، عشق، معرفت، استغنا، توحید، حیرت و فقر و فنا
عطار نیشابوری  

Nameha Top


Inspired by  Saadi's Poem: You know that I am not calm without you - I can't bear the burden of parting all these days Since the day I opened my eyes and saw you - That's why I don't see my relatives I love you, please don't leave - To your two eyes, which are not useful to me

خبرت هست که بی روی تو آرامم نیست
طاقت بار فراق این همه ایامم نیست
چشم از آن روز که برکردم و رویت دیدم
به همین دیده سر دیدن اقوامم نیست
دوستت دارم اگر لطف کنی ور نکنی
به دو چشم تو که چشم از تو به انعامم نیست سعدی

Az Eshgh Top


Inspired by Forough Farrokhzad's Poem: from love I will drop the lines And I will also stop counting the numbers and among limited geometric shapes I will take refuge in the sensory areas of the vastness I am naked, naked, naked Like the silences between the words of my naked love And my wounds are all from love of love love love I wandered this island Ocean revolution And I have passed the explosion of the mountain

از عشق - خطوط را رها خواهم کرد - و همچنین شمارش اعداد را رها خواهمکرد - و از میان شکلهای هندسی محدود

به پهنه های حسی وسعت پناه خواهم برد - من عریانم عریانم عریانم - مثل سکوتهای میان کلام های محبت عریانم

و زخمهای من همه از عشق است - از عشق عشق عشق - من این جزیره سرگردان را - ازانقلاب اقیانوس - و انفجار کوه گذر داده ام

فروغ فرخزاد

Zolf Top


Inspired by Hafez's Poem: Don't blow your hair so you don't blow me Don't make a foundation so that you don't destroy my foundation Don't drink wine with everyone so that I don't drink liver blood Suck it so that my screams don't reach the sky

زلف بر باد مده تا ندهی بر بادم
ناز بنیاد مکن تا نکنی بنیادم
می مخور با همه کس تا نخورم خون جگر سر مکش تا نکشد سر به فلک فریادم

Sama Top


Inspired by Molana's Poem: I cried because of this complaining creature Those are my longings and drunken screams By God, my city will be imprisoned without you I wish to wander in the mountains and the desert One hand is a cup and the other is a supporter I know such a middle dance is a dream زین خلق پر شکایت گریان شدم ملول آن های و هوی و نعره ی مستانم آرزوست والله که شهر بی تو مرا حبس میشود آوارگی کوه و بیابانم آرزوست یک دست جام باده و یک دست زلف یار رقصی چنین میانه ی میدانم آرزوست مولانا  

Jaan Top


Inspired by Molana's Poem: Stolen because you are going inside my life You are my sardine, the prosperity of my farm دزدیده چون جان می روی اندر میان جان من سرو خرامان منی ای رونق بستان منمولانا