Inspired by Ahmad Amir Khalili's Poem: I am the passion of the steps to reach you A city lost its heart when I fell in love with you The calmness of your smile is your miracle Beauty at home is the most subversive I am not drunk enough to ask for a pub Woe to the heart of a madman to ask a madman I want you, whatever you want me to be You are my life, my life is my life, my life is yours
من شوق قدم های رسیدن به تو هستم یک شهر دلش رفت که من دل به تو بستم آرامش لبخند تو اعجاز تو این است زیبایی تو خانه برانداز ترین است مستم نه از آن دست که میخانه بخواهم وای از دل دیوانه که دیوانه بخواهد میخواهمت ای هر چه مرا خواستنی تو تو جان منی جان منی جان منی تو
Inspired by Saadi's Poem: You know that I am not calm without you - I can't bear the burden of parting all these days Since the day I opened my eyes and saw you - That's why I don't see my relatives I love you, please don't leave - To your two eyes, which are not useful to me
Inspired by Molana's Poem: Ride on love and think about it May the horse of love be enough An attack brought you home Even if the road is rough Jan Ashegh does not know how to eat grass May the lovers' lives be drunk سوار عشق شو وز ره میندیش که اسب عشق بس رهوار باشد به یک حمله تو را منزل رساند اگرچه راه نا هموار باشد علف خواری نداند جان عاشق که جان عاشقان خمار باشد (شعر از: مولانا)
Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation
Inspired by Ehsan Haeri's Poem: You are my chaos, my peace Count your letters with me So that I can take all the excuses from your heart You are my chaos, my peace I listen to every song, you are me Add dawn to my understanding of the sky Come, without you, I have two hundred sorrows Chartaar's song آشوبم آرامشم تویی شمرده تر بگو با من حروف رفتنت تا من بگیرم از دلت همه بهانه ها را آشوبم آرامشم تویی به هر ترانه ای سر میکشم تویی سحر اضافه کن به فهم آسمانم بیا که بی تو من غم دوصد خزانم (شعر از: احسان حایری) چارتار
Inspired by Saadi's Poem:
The morning wind and the smell of Nowruz
Good luck friends and victory
Congratulations this year and all years
"Homayoun" Happy this day and all days to you.
برآمد باد صبح و بوی نوروز" به کام دوستان و بخت پیروز مبارک بادت این سال و همه سال همایون بادت این روز و همه روز"
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