Inspired by the poem:
He rode that gypsy
He did not take you with him
It is night and with the night, dense darkness
Gypsy by the fire night dance, who are you?
Why is happiness gone? Why is the fire extinguished?
Simin Behbehani
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Inspired by Ali Rafiei's Poem: I became famous in every city and country in disbelief I am locked in this role and my own prisoner Yesterday I regretted and repented Today I regret my regret
در کفر شدم شهره هر شهر و دیاری محبوس در این نقشم و زندانی خویشم دیروز پشیمان شدم و توبه نمودم امروز پشیمان ز پشیمانی خویشم
Inspired by Hafez's Poem: In the morning, he said, the grass chicken with the newly blooming flowers Don't be too cute in this garden because you bloomed Don't laugh at me from the right side Until the smell of love never reaches him Whoever did not leave the dirt in the pub If you are greedy for that cup, you will be satisfied Oh, maybe your eyelashes should be tightened صبحدم مرغ چمن با گل نوخاسته گفت ناز کم کن که درین باغ بسی چون تو شکفت گل بخندید که از راست نرنجیم ولی تا ابد بوی محبّت بمشامش نرسد هر که خاک در میخانه برخساره نرفت گر طمع داری از آن جام مرصّع می لعل ای بسا دُر که بنوک مژهات باید سُفت (شعر از: حافظ)
Inspired by Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani's Poem: Tell it to rain, tell it tonight - Tell it to rain tonight - Wash away the dust of this garden alley - To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite In search of shores from which we do not know the way back - You and I wake up and see each other - Lighter than the moonlight and sleep - Run in light and hotness - A song on our lips
Inspired by Ehsan Haeri's Poem: You are my chaos, my peace Count your letters with me So that I can take all the excuses from your heart You are my chaos, my peace I listen to every song, you are me Add dawn to my understanding of the sky Come, without you, I have two hundred sorrows Chartaar's song آشوبم آرامشم تویی شمرده تر بگو با من حروف رفتنت تا من بگیرم از دلت همه بهانه ها را آشوبم آرامشم تویی به هر ترانه ای سر میکشم تویی سحر اضافه کن به فهم آسمانم بیا که بی تو من غم دوصد خزانم (شعر از: احسان حایری) چارتار
Inspired by Roozbeh Bemani's Poem: Wherever there is a light, it is because of the fear of being alone O my lonely fear, here is a bright light Here, one feels the fear of the night Every day he talks about the thought of falling with the mountain Where I was alone in the night of Qiblah Here in this pole of silence, the nightmare is longer هر جا چراغی روشنه از ترس تنها بودنه ای ترس تنهای من اینجا چراغی روشنه اینجا یکی از حس شب احساس وحشت می کنه هرروز از فکر سقوط با کوه صحبت می کنه جایی که من تنها شدم شب قبله گاهه آخره اینجا تو این قطب سکوت کابوس طولانی تره (شعر از: روزبه بمانی)
Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation
Inspired by Saadi's Poem: No one knows how much I love you A fish that falls on dry land knows the price of water
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