Inspired by Ehsan Haeri’s Poem:
You are my chaos, my peace
Count your letters with me
So that I can take all the excuses from your heart
You are my chaos, my peace
I listen to every song, you are me
Add dawn to my understanding of the sky
Come, without you, I have two hundred sorrows
Chartaar’s song
آشوبم آرامشم تویی
شمرده تر بگو با من حروف رفتنت
تا من بگیرم از دلت همه بهانه ها را
آشوبم آرامشم تویی
به هر ترانه ای سر میکشم تویی
سحر اضافه کن به فهم آسمانم
بیا که بی تو من غم دوصد خزانم
(شعر از: احسان حایری)
2 in stock
Inspired by Saadi's Poem:
The morning wind and the smell of Nowruz
Good luck friends and victory
Congratulations this year and all years
"Homayoun" Happy this day and all days to you.
برآمد باد صبح و بوی نوروز" به کام دوستان و بخت پیروز مبارک بادت این سال و همه سال همایون بادت این روز و همه روز"
Inspired by Saadi's Poem: You know that I am not calm without you - I can't bear the burden of parting all these days Since the day I opened my eyes and saw you - That's why I don't see my relatives I love you, please don't leave - To your two eyes, which are not useful to me
Inspired by Molana's Poem: Stolen because you are going inside my life You are my sardine, the prosperity of my farm دزدیده چون جان می روی اندر میان جان من سرو خرامان منی ای رونق بستان من … مولانا
Inspired by Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani's Poem: Tell it to rain, tell it tonight - Tell it to rain tonight - Wash away the dust of this garden alley - To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite To look for dawn in its clarity - Our presence is infinite In search of shores from which we do not know the way back - You and I wake up and see each other - Lighter than the moonlight and sleep - Run in light and hotness - A song on our lips
Inspired by Saadi's Poem: You are better than of Leili , It is scary that like lovers May your love take me to the mountains and the desert An enemy turned towards me I hate to turn away from you I am trapped in your trap, I am defeated in your hand I am amazed by your taste, I am surprised by your description ای خوبتر از لیلی بیم است که چون مجنون عشق تو بگرداند در کوه و بیابانم یک پشت زمین دشمن گر روی به من آرند از روی تو بیزارم گر روی بگردانم در دام تو محبوسم در دست تو مغلوبم وز ذوق تو مدهوشم در وصف تو حیرانم (شعر از: سعدی)
Inspired by Hafez's Poem: Don't blow your hair so you don't blow me Don't make a foundation so that you don't destroy my foundation Don't drink wine with everyone so that I don't drink liver blood Suck it so that my screams don't reach the sky
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