Inspired by the poem:
There is no more happiness that you are my love and my world
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Inspired by Saadi's Poem: No one knows how much I love you A fish that falls on dry land knows the price of water
Inspired by Hafez's Poem: Don't blow your hair so you don't blow me Don't make a foundation so that you don't destroy my foundation Don't drink wine with everyone so that I don't drink liver blood Suck it so that my screams don't reach the sky
Inspired by Forough Farokhzad's Poem: I left, forgive me and don't say he was unfaithful I had no choice but to escape This fiery love full of hopeless pain He dragged me into the valley of guilt and madness I went, that hot kiss full of longing for you Wash my lips with tears رفتم ، مرا ببخش و مگو او وفا نداشت راهی بجز گریز برایم نمانده بود این عشق آتشین پر از درد بی امید در وادی گـناه و جنونم کشانده بود رفتم ، که داغ بوسه پر حسرت ترا با اشک های دیده ز لب شستشو دهم (شعر از: فروغ فرخ زاد)
Inspired by Molana's Poem: I cried because of this complaining creature Those are my longings and drunken screams By God, my city will be imprisoned without you I wish to wander in the mountains and the desert One hand is a cup and the other is a supporter I know such a middle dance is a dream زین خلق پر شکایت گریان شدم ملول آن های و هوی و نعره ی مستانم آرزوست والله که شهر بی تو مرا حبس میشود آوارگی کوه و بیابانم آرزوست یک دست جام باده و یک دست زلف یار رقصی چنین میانه ی میدانم آرزوست مولانا
Inspired by Attar's Poem: There are seven valleys of love that the seeker of your way passes through: request, Love, knowledge, Ignore, Oneness, astonishment, poverty and annihilation
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